The monthly Board Zoom meeting was held on November 2, 2021.

Mayno Blanding, our AKC Delegate, joined the Board Zoom call to provide the Board with an update.  Mayno indicated that Don James was elected as the Parent Club Committee Secretary.  This Parent Club Committee is currently working on developing a manual for new Parent Clubs which can also be used as a resource for existing Parent Clubs.  Don James, the Parent Club Delegate Committee Secretary, is the Member-At-Large of the Leonberger Club of America, which has a Code of Ethics addressing members’ best practices and conduct. Mr. James also shared with Ms. Blanding that the Leonbergers have a Member Practices Assurance Committee that evaluates all complaints taking pressure off the Board for complaints that don’t have merit.  Ms. Blanding plans to share these documents with our Board when she receives them from Mr. James. The AKC Board has approved the BBE proposals relating to future Puppy BBE class(es). These proposals will be voted on at the December Delegate meeting in Orlando.  Therefore, these BBE proposals will not be in effect in time for the upcoming shows.  If approved, puppies entered in the BBE puppy class(es) that win points will no longer disqualify breeders from receiving their BBE medallions for those dogs.    AKC is making participation in Meet the Breeds as easy as possible on the participants by helping with unloading, set-up, etc.  Mayno will provide detailed AKC Delegate reports quarterly in our Bulletin.  Mayno would like our members to feel free to reach out to her whenever something is needed from our AKC Delegate – she stressed her desire to be a resource for our members.  Pres Wotton asked Mayno to look into the rationale for requiring Parent Clubs to have an AKC licensed judge for the 4-6 month puppy competition as well as ask for this requirement to be re-evaluated for Parent Club Specialties.  Mayno agreed and will get back to the Board on this matter.                  Thank you, Mayno, for doing a great job as our AKC Delegate and thank you for updating the Board with this important information.

After Ms. Blanding disconnected from the Zoom call, the Board proceeded with business.

Pres. Wotton gave quick updates on multiple topics as follows.  Nancy McDonald is still working to obtain a BFCA representative on the AKC Purebred DNA Bank Committee.  Health documents provided by Ms. McDonald have been posted to BFCA’s website under Health.

Pres Wotton expressed appreciation for Kim Furlong and Dir Tupes getting the 2023 Futurity judging election completed.  Carol Fellbaum will be the Futurity judge for the 2023 National Specialty in Minneapolis.   Pres. Wotton informed the Board that the new 2023 Futurity Litter Nomination form is live on BFCA’s website and the 2022 Litter nomination form has been scheduled to be removed at the appropriate date.   Dir Tupes informed the Board of feedback received regarding the voting rules instituted for 2023.  The Board plans to discuss this vote process for the 2024 Futurity judge after the first of the year. The feedback regarding the 2023 judge voting process is helpful and much appreciated.   Pres. Wotton informed the Board that the Breeder Directory Sign-Up form is on BFCA’s member only section and the form will also appear in the Bulletin.  With regard to obtaining the show ballroom on Saturday at the MPLS Hilton for a Parent Club Specialty in 2023, Susan and Pres Wotton continue to negotiate with the Hilton to add this day to our previously signed contract; however, the Hilton hotel has to date not been amenable to negotiating and is asking BFCA for $10,000 to have the show ballroom available on Saturday for our 2023 National.  Pres Wotton will keep the Board apprised of any negotiating progress; however, it doesn’t look good at this time.

Treas. Abbott reviewed income/expenses for September.  In response to a request by Pres Wotton, Treas Abbott and VP Endo conducted a financial review from prior year’s expenses and recommended to the Board a dollar amount to hold in Reserve for any emergency or unplanned expenditures.  Treas Abbott will represent this amount in a separate line item on future financial reports.  The Board voted to keep $50,000.00 for this purpose, and this line item will be designated “Reserve” in our financial reports.  The Board also agreed that the Health funds total balance be listed as a separate line item on financial reports for clarity for the membership.

Ms. Adams provided an update for the 2021 National and Parent Club Specialty.  Everything is on track for a great National & Parent Club Specialty.   Thanks to Ms. Adams on her work as Show Chair.

VP Endo gave the Board an update on 2022 Tulsa National Specialty.  The contract for the Show Secretary, Rachal Sager, has been fully executed.  Dir Allen is assisting Ms DeMartini and VP Endo with the National Specialty flyer.  Anyone who is interested in helping the show committee should contact Ms. DeMartini or VP Endo.   As BFCA needs to rent the show ring equipment, Dir Antetomaso indicated that Toby Frisch might still be in possession of award placement stanches, and she will contact Ms. Frisch to see if these can be donated to BFCA.

The Board discussed the Membership Directory and whether to have the Directory booklet printed or to just have it available on BFCA’s website (those few who do not have computer access would then be mailed a copy that is printed on 8X10 paper).  Dir Kovar suggested that we look into offering local clubs the opportunity to place an ad in the Membership Directory for a fee.  The Board felt this was a good idea, and this will be discussed with Diane Woodring, the person who is responsible for working with the printer.  If feasible, we will arrange the process for ads and communicate this to the local clubs.  After much discussion, the Board agreed that we will print in booklet format the 2021-2023 Membership Directory.   We have received multiple bids for this task, and the most cost-effective company will be selected to provide the Membership Directory booklet.   

Dir. Tupes requested assistance with topics for Tip Tuesday and Throwback Thursday for our Facebook page.  Anyone who can send Dir. Tupes topics/articles please do so.

Dir Kennedy showed the Board the trophies for our Parent Club Specialty in Madison.  They are beautiful, and the Board is excited to be able to present Dir Kennedy’s hand- made trophies to our Parent Club Specialty trophy winners.  Dir Allen informed the Board that Dina Taylor will be live streaming the Madison National Specialty.  The link will be distributed to the membership via Constant Contact and will be posted on our Facebook page.   Thanks to Ms. Taylor for doing this for our Club.

My best wishes for a fantastic National Specialty and Parent Club Specialty in Madison!    

Be safe and be well!
