BFCA Mentor Requirements

  1. Maintain membership in good standing with the Bichon Frise Club of America (BFCA)
  2. Have been a member of the BFCA for at least 7 years
  3. Can be an approved AKC judge for Bichon Frise
  4. Has bred a minimum of 7 litters of Bichons (Unless an approved AKC judge for Bichons)
  5. Has bred, owned, and finished at least 7 Bichon AKC champions (Unless an approved AKC judge for Bichons)
  6. Attended a minimum of 3 Bichon Frise Club of America specialties
  7. Participated in at least 1 BFCA Judges Education Seminar at a National Specialty
  8. Adhere to BFCA’s mentor guidelines
  9. Submit a BFCA Mentor Application via the online application below or via US Mail as instructed to the right.
Submit via USPS

If you would prefer to submit this application by mail, please download this pdf and mail it to:

Judy Beckham
3011 Lone Star Lane
Pinehurst, TX 77362-3504

BFCA Mentor Online Application

BFCA Mentor Application
Have you attended a BFCA approved Judges Ed seminar at a National Specialty?
Are you an AKC approved judge for this breed?
Have you attended a minimum of 3 Bichon National Specialties?
Have you bred at least 7 litters of bichons?
Have you bred at least 7 AKC Champions?

If approved as a BFCA ringside mentor, I understand that my role as a mentor is solely at the recommendation of the BFCA Judges Education Committee (JEC) with BFCA Board approval. I understand that the BFCA can remove my name as an approved mentor for failing to follow AKC or BFCA guidelines. To maintain my status as a BFCA approved mentor, I agree: 

a. to mentor judging applicants, at my own expense, without reimbursement from BFCA.
b. to follow all AKC and BFCA requirements and guidelines.
c. to participate in a Judges Education seminar/workshop at a BFCA national specialty at least once every five years.
d. to consent to having my name as a mentor published on the BFCA website and on the AKC website.
e. to mentor according to the BFCA standard and the educational power point developed by the BFCA JEC. 
f. to inform the BFCA JEC if I no longer wish to serve as a BFCA approved mentor.