49th National Specialty Show Hotel Accommodations

Hotel Accommodations

Room reservations in our block with discounted rates are now open. If you call, be sure to mention that you are coming to the Bichon National Specialty, so you get the discounted group rate.

Please contact Merry Nicole if you have any problem with your reservation. Be sure to leave your name so there is no confusion as to who needs help. You can contact Merry Nicole at [email protected]

If you have reservations and find out that you cannot come, please call and cancel your reservation so that your rooms can be rebooked.

University Plaza Hotel
333 John Q. Hammons Parkway, Springfield, MO 65806

Group Rate is $109 USD per night. Book by April 6 to get the group rate.

Book your group rate HERE

After that date, if there are any rooms left, the price will go to the normal room rate.