Seminars and Other Documentation

This web site is dedicated to these, our first Bichons, some now deceased. They started us on the path that led to membership in The Bichon Frise Club of America (BFCA) and to our work with the health committee. We honor them and miss those that are gone.
The information on this web site is provided by The Health Committee of the Bichon Club of America to aid in your understanding of health issues that may occur in Bichons. The articles and information contained herein are not to be used as a substitute for proper veterinary care.
Please note that the Bichon Frise Club of America Inc. owns this web site and the use of artistic material is prohibited by copyright. The use of educational material may be permitted upon written request.
Thank you for visiting the web sites of the Bichon Frise Club of America. Perhaps you came to us via a link from some other individual or organization. This should not be considered an endorsement of or an association with that group or individual. We do not endorse any breeders, though you may find information on our web site as a referral to breeders who are members of our club. You will also find clues to responsible breeding practices in our articles. Our intention is education and not endorsement. We offer a few links to reliable organizations but have no business association with them, only listing those we know to have reputable standards.